Locum Planning Lawyer
Hillingdon (Local Authority role)
6 month contract, 36 hours per week
Rate: Umbrella, negotiable
To assist in the provision of an efficient and cost effective legal service to all relevant departments such as the Planning Team, Highways Team and Specialist Planning Team (etc.).
- Conduct of cases in all Courts, Tribunals etc to appear personally on the Council's behalf in all Civil and Criminal Courts and before Tribunals, Inquiries etc.
- Instruct Counsel and other experts, as required.
- Drafting legal documents, including section 106 agreements as required by the client departments to fulfil their functions.
- To attend and advise at Committee and Sub-Committee meetings in relation to work undertaken by the Planning & Corporate Team.
- To attend and advise at meetings of working parties and officer groups as a representative of the Planning & Corporate Team.
- To give legal advice to the departments served by the Planning & Corporate Team as and when required.
- Keep clients, Members and officers informed of new legislation and case law relevant to their operations to ensure that they maintain a sound appreciation of legal requirements.
- Investigate, research and report upon matters of importance within Legal Services and to undertake projects as directed.
- To provide legal comments for reports to Cabinet Members, Cabinet and other Committees.
- To assist client departments in unravelling the implications of new legislation and case law.
- Undertake Planning Inquiries concerning refusals of planning permission by the Council;
- On own initiative to investigate, research and report upon matters of importance within the Planning & Corporate Legal Team and to undertake projects as directed.
If you have any questions about this role or wish to apply, please contact isobel@deekay.co.uk who will respond at the earliest convenience.