Employer Profile
Guildford Borough Council

Thank you for taking the time to consider Guildford Borough Council as your employer of choice. Our hard working and dedicated staff within Legal Services are fundamental to the success of the service. Attracting and retaining our legal experts is a priority in ensuring that we provide high quality, efficient and effective legal services to our clients.
The in-house Legal Practice has recently been accredited with the Law Society’s Lexcel standard demonstrating excellence in file and practice management.
Like all Councils, Guildford is having to make savings as our government grant is reduced. However, we have a strong balance sheet with a large investment asset base. Our approach to finding savings is about investing to become more commercial and doing what we do more efficiently. We have just adopted a new Corporate Plan which takes us through to 2020. It is an ambitious plan but one that will provide lots of exciting challenges for the right professionals. The Plan also includes ambitions to grow and commercialise the Legal Service.
Guildford is a great place to work and we are interested in hearing from professionals with a background in private and/or public sector. If you feel that you have the required skills, experience and approach to embrace and successfully deliver such a challenge we look forward to hearing from you.
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