Employer Profile
Dorset Councils Partnership

North Dorset District Council, West Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council have formed a ground-breaking tri-council partnership.
North Dorset District Council, West Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council - are on a journey to transform services for customers and communities and reduce running costs by millions.
The Dorset Councils Partnership will see a single workforce serve all three councils. Each council remains independent and equal, with its own councillors who will continue to make local decisions about services. Each council will continue to set its own budget, council tax and maintain its separate identity, brand and sovereignty
The partnership will be able to streamline services, rationalise its assets, share office accommodation, free-up capital, make economies of scale and other efficiency improvements. The partnership will also have greater buying power and more resources to pursue commercial opportunities and new income streams.
The partnership is attracting national and local attention as a brave new operating model for councils and being backed by £2.1million of Government money to help make it happen.
The councils are ambitious and committed to facing future challenges head-on to get the best deal for customers and communities they serve.
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